Monday, May 10, 2010

We're BACK!

Alright, so it's been a while since we've posted anything... but goooood night it's been busy around here!

So to update you, FCF is really getting off the ground and we are PUMPED!! We are so excited about our new clients and just can't wait for summer time. We will be hosting a summer challenge, so all you Hays ISD teachers should come out!! And our month special is still good, so email us for more info on that!

What else... I got my PiYo cert renewed and learned all kinds of new stuff... I love this class. You just have to come try it and see. I also became a Beachbody coach! If you've never heard of Beachbody, you have to check out all their products on! I've been using a lot of their stuff for a while and it's just plain awesome. So go there and I'm positive you will find something you love.

April is officially a personal trainer!! She got all of her test scores back and passed with flying colors, of course :) So if you want one-on-one attention in your neighborhood, give her a call or shoot her an email... she'll kick your butt but it'll be amazing!

Now that I've updated you with our life stories, I have to say one thing... COME SEE US!!! We will give you an incredible work out that will make you WANT to come back. And that's the most important thing.

Farewell for now!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

It Is Marathon Season!

I love the beginning of the year for many reasons and one of them being.... it means that Race Season is in the air!!!

I got into running about 3 years ago. I made it my personal goal to just go a little further each time I ran. I have always been active, but for much of my life I could not even run a mile without loosing my breath. But, I knew that if I just trained my body the right way, then it can do anything!! And, I was right. I went from a breathless one miler to a proud 1/2 marathon finisher!! And trust me when I say, if I can do it, you can too!!!

Yesterday, Robyn and I both ran the 3M Half marathon in Austin. This is one of my faves for several reason...
1. it has 5000 participants .. when else do you get to run with that many fellow race lovers??!!
2. it is mostly flat or downhill
3.the goodie bags are the bomb. I will never run out of post its!!

If you are anything like me, you have to have a goal to work towards. Having a training schedule forces me to stay on track and just keep working that much harder. This is why I love races so much. It does not matter if it is a 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon, marathon... or triathlon.... as long as there is a goal, then I can stay on track.

So, here is my challenge to you. Sign up for a race. If you are a beginner... start small and work your way up. There are so many local 5K races that you can do solo, with girlfriends, or your family! If you need help, we are here. Just shoot me an email and let me know what race you are doing and I will help you set up a training schedule and lots of other awesome info.

Make 2010 YOUR year.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quite Time

If you are anything like me, getting a moment of quite time is VITAL for a productive day. I love my little girl more then anything, but some days I want to pull my hair out ( or go have a really big drink!) because I did not get a moment of some quite time or alone time. It seems like her naps are getting shorter and shorter so I have decided to take things in my own hands:)

I am typically an early riser but starting this week.... it gets even earlier. For now on 4:45am is my new alarm clock time. And so far, so good! This morning I was able to get up, do my sit ups (this is another morning ritual I am trying to do!) , have my cup of green tea and then hit my computer for some much needed blog love! So far, so good!!

In BC times ( before child), I would run in the mornings and LOVED it. It would start my day off the right way. Watching the sun rise over the hill country, feeling the cool air and witnessing the world " wake up" was what I looked forward to every day. But, now I have made the big change to evening runner. But, I have to admit, I truly miss my morning runs.

I urge you, if you do not do this already, just try it... even for just one week. Set that alarm clock an hour early and start your day off with a relaxing, calm and full hour of just " YOU time". You could do a little yoga, reading, blogging, running, or just day dreaming. Choose whatever your fancy is and go for it. If it does not make your day go a little smoother, then money back, guaranteed:)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Launch Party!

We invite you all to join us as we officially launch Full Circle Fitness!!!

We will be hosting the party at The Winfield Inn, the gorgeous venue where many classes will be held, and encourage you to bring family and friends as we showcase pieces of Bootcamp and Pilates. We hope that you will stick around and get to know us because we would LOVE to know you!

Event Details
Date: Wednesday, February 17th
Time: 6-8pm
Where: The Winfield Inn (click for directions)
What to bring: tennis shoes/athletic attire, yoga matt (preferred), and a SMILE!

See you there!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome FCF Fans!!

It is official, we did it! All the talks, thoughts, day dreaming and planning have fallen into place and we are proud to say that Full Circle Fitness is official!

We are so excited to share this journey with you and can't wait to get started. Stay tuned for details, schedule, and most of all.... random thoughts about fitness, health, life... from yours truly.. April and Robyn!!

Welcome Welcome and we hope you have a healthy day!!